The last 48 hours have definitely gone by quickly. We knew we wanted to do more than just shelter-in-place, and have been energized seeing that all of you feel the same way. In the last 48 hours we went from just an idea, to tonight, the entire night shift (90 front-line workers) at Mount Sinai Morningside Emergency having a nutritious (their request) meal delivered from a local restaurant! We now have hospitals lined up, volunteers reaching out to us asking how they can help, and restaurants that want to work with us. Most of all we have an amazing group of old and now new friends who have stepped up to make this possible through their contributions, feedback, and help getting the word out. Thanks you again and let’s keep up the momentum!
Check out our facebook, twitter, and instagram for the @meals4heroes campaign and please like, follow and share. We will post pictures and updates of the meals as we continue make twice the impact!